Our Results

Vision for Life's results reflect the power of advertising for pregnancy medical centers.

Our results speak for themselves. Advertising saves lives! The facts and figures below demonstrate the reach Vision for Life has had in Pennsylvania alone. With a proven track record for helping women choose life, we have our sights set on impacting pregnancy centers’ growth on a national scale. Continue reading to learn more about how we’ve impacted the pro-life cause.

Thousands of young moms saw advertising and social media posts and were connected to local pregnancy medical centers.

Over 10,000 lives were saved in Allegheny County, PA over the past 10 years.

While abortion numbers decreased across the state, Allegheny County was the only county to see an increase in the birth rate.

We have an estimated ad spend of only $80 per life saved.

Previously, 1 out of 4 pregnancies resulted in abortion. Now, it’s 1 out of 5.

8 out of 10 abortion-vulnerable women who visit a Pregnancy Medical Center choose life!